Picture atmosphere

Service Order Form

Choose 1
Details 2
Payment 3
Insurance 4
no letters only numbers
Different invoice details
I have read the terms of the policy and agree to them, its terms and the terms of the transaction as detailed above
I was not medically / mentally disqualified from diving activities.
הינני מצהיר כי אני בקיא בכל הוראות אוגדן הצלילה של ההתאחדות הישראלית לצלילה וכי התעדכנתי בכל החידושים והשינויים שחלו מאז שהייתי פעיל לאחרונה
I agree to receive notices of renewal of insurance and benefits to members of the Association by email and / or contact information I have provided.

Giving up receiving the plastic insurance card. It is important for me to reduce the sun in plastic (you can check online insurance validity)

Number insurants:     Total: NIS